Tuesday, November 13, 2007

LibraryThing / thing #11

Librarything could possibly be useful for book recommendations and for remembering what I've read. If only I could get my dad to use it since he's always forgetting what he has and has not read. Perhaps he'll start forgetting more and then can just reread the same books though I'm not ready for that to happen yet. I pasted selections from my library at LibraryThing at the right side of this blog. To see all the selections (which I have not added yet) click on the words "my library" over there --> (not here).

Friday, November 9, 2007

image generators

I think I did this already when I did the mozaiq thing below which I enjoyed. I don't understand the point in image generators, a lot of them seem pretty limited and uninspired. I'm feeling a bit cynical today (9th day of a nasty cold) but I hope people don't think image generation like this is "art." I thought the chocolate bar generator was particularly stupid so I went ahead and made one last week, on Halloween, because I was dreading the day after Halloween leftover candy surge at work (luckily I got sick which causes my sweetooth to completely disappear and so avoided the teeth-rotting, fat-inducing crap).
If you want to make your very own chocolate bar go to http://www.glassgiant.com/chocolate_bar/

Monday, October 29, 2007

rattle and roll

a rattle in my light fixture
driving me crazy
technology presents ways to cover the rattle

Internet music is my savior. A Nick Lowe concert courtesy of NPR, listening to my favorite New Jersey radio station online while I work and the freebie songs on The Jellydots myspace page (kids' music that won't annoy the parents, I highly recommend their first album).
But then, an idea. Sometimes simple is best.
Some cardboard wedged into the light fixture and life is good again.

Friday, October 26, 2007

photo fun tools

Yes, I'm doing things out of order. I didn't get anywhere with montagr but I found this mosaic tool: mozaiq.org which was sort of fun. The photo I used may not have been the best for the application but oh well, stand back from the computer to see it better. It remakes your photo out of lots and lots of tiny photos and then you can click anywhere on the photo to see the component photos. Above is the mosaiq that I made. You have to go to the photo on mozaiq to see the component images, click on the photo to get there.

bloglines continued

Here is a link to the list of feeds I created on bloglines.

This was a tedious exercise. I agree with some other people that I prefer to read individual pages instead of the fairly boring presentation that bloglines has. I did like subscribing to others' flickr pages (since it's more visual and less text). I like the word of the day feed. I'm definitely not sold on RSS. I have so little time as it is and would rather be reading, knitting, playing with a certain two-year-old I know and walking through all those lovely leaves outside.

Regarding my last post, it was my home computer - won't cooperate with bloglines. Also, the apple pie was taken to my husband's work before I had a chance to get a slice. An empty pie plate came home, oh well. So I made applesauce last night which I think I'll use in apple cake this weekend.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


stands for "it ain't as simple as it claims to be."
Thing 8 - RSS. partway through bloglines tutorial, subscribed to some feeds, cannot for the life of me find the "my feeds" tab on the left hand side. I see a "FEED" tab and it seems to think that it's in "my feeds" but the feeds I subscribed to don't show up. So I tried to resubscribe to one of them and it said I already subscribed to that blog. This is what I see on the left hand side:
Additional Features
Image Wall
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Maybe it's the fault of my ancient computer again. I'll try it at work tomorrow. Hope I'm not the only one who finds this difficult. On another, sweeter note - my husband put an apple pie in the oven about 1/2 hour ago and the house smells of warm apples, cinnamon and dough. mmmmmmm. apple pie for breakfast tomorrow.

Friday, October 12, 2007

"blog this" through flickr

Originally uploaded by evasilverstone
trying the "blog this" through flickr again. tried earlier and lost the photo when I edited the entry in Blogger. This is a drawing I did a few years ago.