Tuesday, October 23, 2007


stands for "it ain't as simple as it claims to be."
Thing 8 - RSS. partway through bloglines tutorial, subscribed to some feeds, cannot for the life of me find the "my feeds" tab on the left hand side. I see a "FEED" tab and it seems to think that it's in "my feeds" but the feeds I subscribed to don't show up. So I tried to resubscribe to one of them and it said I already subscribed to that blog. This is what I see on the left hand side:
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Maybe it's the fault of my ancient computer again. I'll try it at work tomorrow. Hope I'm not the only one who finds this difficult. On another, sweeter note - my husband put an apple pie in the oven about 1/2 hour ago and the house smells of warm apples, cinnamon and dough. mmmmmmm. apple pie for breakfast tomorrow.


Eva said...

it was my computer. new computer on the horizon (I hope).

magictime said...


I'm with you. I had trouble with the RSS and it saying I had already signed up, but didn't show them. Then all I had was videos. I'm not doing very will with this assignment. I do better with someone showing me. I read until nothing makes sense.
